1. Lucy Sparrow's Ambitious Felt Installation in Florida
Jan. 20 marked the opening of “Tampa Fresh Foods” in Tampa, Florida. Sightseers and Sunshine State locals could walk through the aisles and handpick Lucy Sparrow's felt groceries. With over 50,000 items—ranging from a pack of bubblegum to a Cuban deli sandwich—each was individually designed and autographed by the artist herself. This immersive exposition was a kaleidoscopic experience, jaw-dropping for children and adults alike.

2. Jenna Gribbon and Her Muse Blend Love With Paint
“A reluctance to be painted was something I was really trying to get into the work,” Jenna Gribbon told CULTURED last February. With a January exhibition at Massimo De Carlo in London, the painter and her muse, musician Mackenzie Scott, aka Torres, discussed the potential dangers of mixing pleasure and business, art and love.

3. The Night New York's O’Flaherty’s Packed the Street—and the Walls
The opening only lasted about an hour before the New York City Police Department arrived, but no one can really say they were surprised. The gallery's open call Instagram prompt was simple: “If it can hang on the wall, we will show it." Naturally, opening night drew a gargantuan mob—participating artists, their supporters and impromptu street performers packed the sidewalk, eager to view the works submitted by more than 800 artists.

4. Seven Artists Who Majorly Leveled Up Their Careers
Last year was one that prompted new ways of thinking, transition, and innovative connections. These artists, whose work spans mediums and styles, seized the momentum to catapult their careers to the next level. Whether by investigating a new craft or deepening existing practices, these creatives captured the attention of viewers worldwide by exploring topics including digitalization, economic struggle, gender identity, and racial discrimination.

5. The Artist Guide to Supporting Women’s Rights
The leaked SCOTUS draft opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade sparked immediate national discourse. Then, on Friday, June 24, the US Supreme Court officially overturned the ruling. CULTURED gathered a list of art organizations and artists who continue to support abortion funds, because while social media outrage has simmered down, the fight for bodily autonomy is still raging.