Cultured Magazine: The show's title refers to Ghost In the Shell, the 1995 cyberpunk anime film, and the conceptual project it inspired, “No Ghost Just a Shell,” by Philippe Parrena and Pierre Huyghe.
Torbjørn Rødland: The title is typically introduced late in the process. It helps me in the finishing stages of deciding what to include in a show.
CM: How do you know which ones you'll print?
Torbjørn Rødland: I usually know as soon as I get my film back which images will work for a book or an exhibition.
CM: But there is something here about shells and guts. The apple, for instance.
Torbjørn Rødland: The insides are moving out and the outside is moving in.
CM: One image that struck me was the couple in The Awoken Conscience, (2019). How do you meet couples?
Torbjørn Rødland: One of my recurring motifs is a couple with a negotiable or unsettled power balance. For a long time, I would construct these unequal couples, but this photograph resulted from an open call for existing couples.
CM: How do you feel about Instagram?
Torbjørn Rødland: If my images cannot stand out among everybody else’s, I’m doing something wrong.