Lauren Davis Fisher’s sculptures seem bound to their location by time. Her recent Set Tests in the foyer of the Hammer Museum were constantly re- arranged during the Made in L.A. biennial, and her collaboration with Math Bass placed a wall from their shared living space into the gallery.

How do you know a work you’ve made is good? I don’t really think of my work in those terms. It’s more energetic. My work is very process-based, so maybe it’s more a question of when is the work done. The answer could be: when it’s taken from my studio, or I’m just ready to move onto the next thing.
If you could trade with anyone, who would it be? That’s actually something I think about a lot, because I’ve been doing trades with my friends. My immediate answer is that I would want to trade with them, because that’s who inspires me, that’s who I have conversations with, and that’s where the dialogue is. But also it’s hard, because I live in my studio—I don’t want anybody else’s work there.
Do you have any unrealized projects? Most of my projects are unrealized. I have folders and folders of them.